Stepping back
- At January 25, 2011
- By Nathan
- In Career Planning
Stepping back in order to move ahead doesn’t seem to make sense, but it can help. Some who are reading this may feel that what you really need in order to make progress in your career, or in any other area of life for that matter, is more and more intense focus on the problem at hand.
Sometimes what you really need is to just gain a new perspective; take a step or two back from your situation, so you have a better view. You might be surprised what you will see from a new vantage point.
Please note that I am not advocating the “view-view” here. Reality and truth is very much still out there, it is just that a different vantage point can make a world of difference in terms of seeing what is actually there.
Take a trip. If you can’t afford to take one, just use your imagination. Picture yourself hovering over your house. Looks like you could use a few new shingles doesn’t it? Never noticed that sitting in the basement, did you? Launch yourself a little bit higher. What do you see?
I can see Saskatchewan and Canada fading into the distance as the USA and parts of South America come into view. The curved edges of the earth are coming into the picture now, and it feels like there is water, water – everywhere. A feeling of emptiness and being alone comes over me now as our planet appears to be the only inhabitant in an empty universe. But of course, I had forgotten about our sun. There it is now, blazing in all of its brilliance. And yet soon even the sun seems like an insignificant speck of light in a small corner of our galaxy.
Moving back down towards the earth if feels remarkable to me that the earth actually exists, and even more so, that it is teeming with life.
Life. Suddenly the fact that you are alive may seem much more staggering and stunning than any problems you are presently facing.