Standing at the crossroads
- At December 11, 2010
- By Nathan
- In Career Planning
As I write, I am surrounded by cats. Okay, so sometimes it just feels like I am surrounded. For the record there are two spoiled indoor cats in the small, rural apartment that my wife and I call home, and usually eight or nine friendly farm cats just by our front door. It is another chilly winter day here in Saskatchewan and the furry creatures outside need to stick together and stay close to the free food.
If these cats could read they would likely never bother with this blog because it wouldn’t relate to them. As far as I can tell, cats are not big on introspection, backpacking to Europe, etc. to find out who they really are – getting in touch with their true feline identity. Oh, they certainly have their own little quirks and personalities. One of the indoor cats that lets me live here is phlegmatic and likes to eat and sleep…and that is about it. Meanwhile the other furry creature is more of a type A personality and likes to attack things. Perhaps a cat psychologist (if there is such a thing) can tell me otherwise, but they both seem to know and be comfortable with who they really are.
Purpose doesn’t appear to be a problem for our prairie cat community, and getting paid isn’t much of a dilemma either. The people who serve the food have to be worked and manipulated and made to feel like they are important; but aside from that, what else is there to do? They don’t buy clothes or cars. They don’t need to build homes or plan for retirement. They don’t take expensive vacations or stockpile useless electronic gadgets. They don’t go into debt to keep up with the cats next door. If being a cat wasn’t such a bizarre and brutish existence in many other ways, I just might want to sign up.
There appears to be quite a chasm between God’s creatures, with humans being the most peculiar and complicated of the bunch. So maybe all the career-confused souls who are reading this can cut themselves a little slack. Realize that it may take some time – decades perhaps – to come to a clear understanding about what you really should be doing with your life. But wherever you are at in your journey, hopefully this blog will be of some help and encouragement as you struggle to figure out who you really are and seek to translate this self-understanding into career success.
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