Home on the range
- At May 10, 2011
- By Nathan
- In Career Planning
Pursuing the quintessential “at home” feeling at your home or by way of a career may well be elusive in this world. At one level you will always feel like you do not fit simply because this world is not really your home. Generations come and generations go. Civilizations rise and civilizations fall. Life is short. Houses quickly change hands and new names turn out to be easy to attach to office doors. And yet there is no point trying to make your brief stay on this planet as awkward as possible either.
Horses seem to be at home on the range together with the roaming buffalo and the infamously playful deer and antelope. There are, in fact, a wide variety of creatures that thrive in a pastoral or prairie environment. But not all of them do. Polar bears are few and far between. Penguins appear to have other preferences. Seals like the sea. Mountain goats…well, they tend to stay in the mountains. This is to say that people also feel at home in a wide variety of situations and that it is often possible to find a partial fit.
So, if you had a choice,where would you live? Do you prefer the city of the country? Are you interested in mostly staying close to where you grew up, or would you like to travel? What could you do to eventually make that dream a reality? And what would you really like to do with your life in terms of career? It is possible that at this point you really do not know. How do you suppose you could go about finding out? Where could you get more information in order to determine what you might be interested in? What are you good at? What have you been affirmed for? How could you go about developing your strengths into a marketable career?
These questions could help you determine where you might feel more at home and what you may find yourself doing there. Notice though that nothing has been said here about the importance of relationships when it comes to experiencing the “at home” experience. It takes effort to determine an appropriate career direction, energy to establish a home, and time to nurture meaningful relationships. Singing about the beauty of the range, or whatever setting you happen to enjoy, is somehow much more enjoyable when someone else is there to listen.