- At January 18, 2011
- By Nathan
- In Career Planning
No matter what you set out to do, whether that means choosing a new career or simply cleaning the garage, you cannot avoid one little word: why. Why? Why bother doing what you are about to do or at least seriously considering doing?
The answers that come to mind may initially be all about you. You are cleaning out the garage because all that junk in there is starting to drive you crazy. You just can’t take it any more. You are acting with nothing more than your own self-interest and sanity in mind. Gotta get a job or a new job because you really need that job.
That’s it. That’s all.
Fine. But this assumes that it is appropriate to care about yourself, your mental well-being, etc. And the “why” word lights up once again in your unstable mind. You know that the way some people talk, when it comes right down to it human beings really aren’t much to write home about. Some live, some die…so what! Too many people on the planet anyway, and on and on it goes.
Suddenly it dawns on you that you have unknowingly taken a position, and a definite and shall I say “dogmatic” one at that: Your life matters. Maybe you would go so far as to say that the lives of others matters too.
Again, why would say something like that? A statement like this implies value and significance. Do you mean that you just happen to think that your life matters or is it more than that? If some bloke in Australia decided that this belief of yours was just true for you, and got out his handy hammer to whack some sense into this crazy Canuck, would you protest?
Why? Just out of self-interest? No, it has to be more than that.
Looking for answers you discover that large numbers of “educated” people actually claim that answers do not exist, or at least not really. Somehow this is supposed to mean that we will all find ourselves floating along contentedly in a cosmopolitan sea, believing nothing in particular about the large and critical questions of life – nothing at all.
Get yourself a bit of prosperity, the latest fashion, a high-tech gadget or two, at least 300 HD channels, a man or a women if you feel so inclined, and your off. It is called living in denial.
Some of the white, Anglo-Saxon, protestants of yesteryear got a bad reputation in the minds of some modern people, hence the unflattering label WASP. For the purposes of this blog, whatever the faults of the buzzing believers may have been, I would like to point out that at least they actually offered answers that had some credibility, and that this type of thinking launched people out into life.
Nowadays, the white, agnostic, secular, pagans have a lot of explaining to do. Especially the ones who just might be reading this blog; trying to figure out who they are so they can find a career that feels like a fit.
It gets annoying after a while, I know, but here it is again: