Adding to your anxiety
- At July 06, 2012
- By Nathan
- In Career Advice, Meeting Needs
- 0
One way to eventually reduce your career and life direction anxiety is to try to become exceedingly more anxious than you are right now. No, really. Go crazy. Up the anti. Crank up the volume. Hit that panic button with a sledge-hammer. WHAM! Swing with both hands. Get yourself worked up into an emotional frenzy. Cut loose. Have a complete meltdown. Savour the moment. Try to temporarily feel the full weight of your desparate sate.
In other words, make a concerted effort to really freak yourself out. It won’t take long. But the overall positive impact on your perspective could be long-lasting.
This dramatic and intense approach isn’t, of course, usually a very good idea. If you are like most people, you need to be encouraged to worry less not more; you need to find time to focus on what is positive and get in the habit of tuning-out what is negative; you also need to turn up what is true and learn to turn down all the anxiety-producing lies.
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