- At February 07, 2011
- By Nathan
- In Career Planning
It is amazing what you can actually get paid to do.
Yesterday, thousands of fans paid a lot of money to watch grown men chase a football around on a field and beat each other up in the process. Not that I am in a position to criticize. Watching the game on TV from the comfort of my couch, and rooting for Green Bay by the way, no doubt boosted the ratings needed to bring in the revenue that helps to pay the salaries of all the NFL millionaires.
The odds of getting into the National Football League and making it to the Super Bowl no less, are not very encouraging. You need to be one of the top players in the Canadian Football League to have shot at it, and getting into the CFL is not the easiest thing either. Just making the cuts for your college or university team can be a challenge. But it is not impossible. Just ask Andy Fantuz.
Living on Mars is impossible, playing professional football in the NFL – at least for some people – is not.
So as you consider what career to pursue, don’t be too quick to stamp everything you would really like to do with that dreaded label: impossible.
You might really like to fly 747’s for Air Canada but of course that would be impossible; everyone knows that they get the aliens from Venus to do that. Starting your own construction company may have been a lifelong dream but that too is impossible; it is common knowledge that such activity is now considered a violation of the Canadian Charter of Human Rights. They’ll haul you in.
You can’t do this. You can’t do that. Apparently you are the only person in the universe who can’t do much of anything.
Why is it that everything you would really like to do, and the very thing that thousands of other people do each day, is automatically impossible for you? Why?
Be realistic, yes, but dream just a little as well.