The true you
Here are a few resources that could help your gain a better understanding of who you really are, and help you make career and life decisions that are more of a fit with who you are:
Take this free test (more info. is available for a fee) to determine a career that may interest you.
Do you understand your S.H.A.P.E.? That is, your Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experience.
Make career and life decisions that fit with your personality type. This is, as far as I know, the most established and extensive personality assessment tool available.
Find a trained counselor to help you choose or adjust your life direction.
Read this book and take the online assessement test to clarify, develop, and then make good use of your strengths.
*A career planning and consulting service is now available at Career & Life Direction. This includes a personality assessment based on the Myers-Briggs-Type-Indicator (MBTI).