Searching for answers
- At April 06, 2013
- By Nathan
- In Career & Life Planning
No one arrives on this planet knowing everything they need to know. Then again, one exception comes to mind; one solitary life stands out.
But for most of us, humility always make sense. For there is so much that we do not know.
If knowledge equals power then people like you and me are obviously lacking in both. It’s a no brainer. It is so obvious. We all need help. Human knowledge is as limited as the day is long.
Trying to make a major decision? Keep in mind that you likely do not intuitively know what you need to know in order to do that. No offense. Don’t be insulted. That’s just the way it is for each person reading this. You will need to spend a significant amount of time gathering information. If you haven’t done that yet, you will need to. Sorry, but there is no other reasonable way to go about it.
Do you really want to routinely make critical decisions in a way that is random or reckless?
Even if you tend to rely more on your emotions when making a decision (and to some extent that is okay) make sure you make the time to take in accurate images and pictures which will in turn shape and inform your feelings.
This friendly word of advice is offered while taking a break from a very extensive information gathering process. This process has gone on for several years now and, frankly, I am getting tired. But there is no other option – none that I can see anyway. Either you wait for the appropriate information to come to you, or you need to make the effort to go out and find it. And usually a bit of both takes place during any significant research project.
It is encouraging every now and then when timely information drifts in your direction. But finding information and sorting through information usually takes a lot of hard work. There is no way around it.
So what do you need to know right now? Identify the information you need, and then be prepared to exert a large amount of energy to find it. Roll up your sleeves. Get ready for a workout. Don’t underestimate the amount of time it will take. Don’t expect someone else to do it for you. Grit your teeth, as they say, and then get at it.
Let’s say that you need to make a major career decision. Well then, be sure to carefully consider what you are thinking about doing before launching out decisively in that particular direction. A lack of quality research now could be very costly down the road. Now is the time to get started. Now is the time to do your homework. And yes, I speak unfortunately from experience.
Lots of enthusiasm and a lack of knowledge is a bad combination. Little enthusiasm and a lack of knowledge might be even worse. But the ideal, of course, it to be well-informed and enthusiastic. Take the time, make the time, to become knowledgeable. Make an effort to learn as much as possible when faced with a big decision.
Did I mention that searching for answers will be time-consuming and difficult?
Life isn’t easy down here on the earth. Are there any inhabitable planets where daily life might be easier? Perhaps you have pondered this question looking up into the night sky after a very long day. Maybe someone has an answer. But as far as I can tell, we could be living on this one for quite some time.
Might as well make the best of it, I guess.
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