To Ken Dryden: Our conversation at Tim Horton’s, over one year ago, made me aware of this alternative blogging universe. Thanks for the introduction to the WordPress world.
To Tyler Olson at Real Stock Photos: Many thanks for all the great pictures and, of course, for the helpful blogging advice. Much appreciated.
To David Wood: Your friendly guidance through the TypeFocus certification process made the whole experience that much more enjoyable. Thank you.
To Jamez Picard at TrueMedia: Thank you very, very much for all of your help getting this new website up and running. It wouldn’t be here without your expertise.
To Wilmer Loewen: You could easily get into the photography business if you ever wanted to. Thanks in particular for all the great nature shots.
To my wife: What to say? Maybe men really do have damaged brains. Can’t seem to do more than one thing at a time. Thanks for your patience as I have focused intensely on this project. And thanks for your great pictures too!
To everyone else who contributed in any way: Thanks so much! Very little of any consequence is accomplished all alone.